Premoney List 2

Sales, Ecomm, Education and more

Hi everyone,

We have a-lot of new subscribers (grew ~120%+ since last week - - thank you for sharing!!) as well as changes to the List based on all of your awesome feedback.

For the newbies:

The Premoney list is very simple. The goal is to provide founders, tech lovers, angels and firey sales people like yourselves with a list of fresh up-in-coming companies that are at the beginning stages.

Each week, I look at companies or projects that have launched the week prior and have some level of traction, success, or potential to be BIG… I do some research, dig a bit more, and put together an easy to scroll list for you to consume.


Based on feedback from readers and folks featured on the previous lists, two small changes:

  1. We will now be sharing ~10 companies per week vs. 20. We may expand on certain weeks (demo days etc.) but 10 sounded more consumable.

  2. Contact info: If you want the email address for the founder of a given company, just email me back and I’ll send it over! A bit more privacy for our founders.

On to the List:

Please find this weeks PreMoney list here.

Quick Stats on the list:

  • 10 Companies

  • 1 with known seed funding

  • 10 Verticals covered, with a-lot of awesome design & productivity tools showing up this week!

  • 40% female founders or creators

As a reminder, all of these companies have been human-verified to have some traction (a following, strong brand presence, successful product-hunt launch etc.) and have not raised significant capital.

Thanks everyone!

As always, please send any feedback you have!